DRM/EME not functional

帖子: 43
注册时间: 2023年 10月 26日 21:15
来自: Czech Republic

DRM/EME not functional

帖子 redfox »

I cannot play any DRM video using Catsxp 4.2.3 with Widevine v. 4.10.2710.0 installed.
Playing protected content enabled in the settings, Widevine also enabled.
Windows 7 64 bit.

The online test page https://bitmovin.com/demos/drm says:

EME is not supported by your current browser.

See screenshot
eme catsxp.png
eme catsxp.png (133.27 KiB) 查看 4226 次
帖子: 3280
注册时间: 2022年 12月 26日 17:41

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 catsxp »

Unable to apply for L1 certificate
Currently unable to resolve
帖子: 43
注册时间: 2023年 10月 26日 21:15
来自: Czech Republic

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 redfox »

This bug was present in both v. 119 and 120 too...
I hope you'll solve it soon and let us know in the changelog. It is very important.
帖子: 108
注册时间: 2023年 3月 17日 10:41

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 云烟成雨 »

I also hope to support, I believe it is possible
帖子: 3280
注册时间: 2022年 12月 26日 17:41

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 catsxp »

L1 certificate
Without applied qualifications, it is almost impossible to solve the problem
帖子: 43
注册时间: 2023年 10月 26日 21:15
来自: Czech Republic

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 redfox »

Apparently a problem with missing VMP-signature of the Catsxp browser.
上次由 redfox 在 2024年 2月 27日 02:49,总共编辑 1 次。
帖子: 43
注册时间: 2023年 10月 26日 21:15
来自: Czech Republic

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 redfox »

I have written to Widevine support and asked them, if they could help somehow.

EDIT (Mar 11): No answer from Google. It seems that they don't want alternate browsers to exist.
上次由 redfox 在 2024年 3月 25日 00:32,总共编辑 2 次。
帖子: 3280
注册时间: 2022年 12月 26日 17:41

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 catsxp »

Google,they will not issue certificates to developers arbitrarily
帖子: 43
注册时间: 2023年 10月 26日 21:15
来自: Czech Republic

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 redfox »

I have just tried Supermium (also an unofficial Chromium fork), and it does support Widevine/DRM playback in v. 122.
It supports exact geolocation in Win7 too. Why not Catsxp?
帖子: 279
注册时间: 2023年 1月 8日 00:54

Re: DRM/EME not functional

帖子 s6nonqxt9y886fdp »

redfox 写了: 2024年 5月 11日 16:34 I have just tried Supermium (also an unofficial Chromium fork), and it does support Widevine/DRM playback in v. 122.
It supports exact geolocation in Win7 too. Why not Catsxp?
Same logic as why Use Google Translate endpoint doesn't work. I guess Supermium and other Chromium-based browsers present themselves as Chrome, thus being valid clients. Our Catsxp presents itself as something else.